25 -28 June and July 1, 2023 - Paris, France
This year’s doctoral School “Re-member-ing Disability”, is thematically related to the 11th Alter conference’s theme: Protection, Autonomy, Emancipation: An (im)possible alliance? which is held June 28-30th. The first part of the doctoral school is held before the conference and a closing meeting is held after the conference. The doctoral school is linked to disABILITY MUNDUS: a group of European academics and universities who are actively engaged in and support scholarly research on disAbility. The school’s main aim is to provide a space for PhD students to present their research on issues in disability, and to discuss it with the school’s trainers and with peers. A section of the doctoral school will focus on methodology, to allow participants to discuss the main issues they are facing in their PhD research in disability studies, from both a discipline-oriented and an interdisciplinary point of view. Finally, this school wishes to offer to PhD students an inclusive event to create and enrich their international network on disability research. We welcome applications from doctoral students working on questions related to protection, autonomy, and emancipation. A more specific topic of the doctoral school will be focused on the idea of “Re-member-ing disability?”, that is about problematising the relations of disability of being between ‘a member’ of society and being excluded. We further remember disability because of its links with cultural memory, accessibility, and evolving nature. We investigate the places where such memory is prominent, as in lieux de mémoire and museums. We investigate issues that mingle remembering with forgetting, with the making accessible of cultural heritage, and with multiple sensorial modes of creating, preserving, and creating cultural heritage. Questions we will explore are: How do we evolve our understanding while re-member-ing disability? Is hacking disability an (im) possible, (un)necessary action? We invite participants who have completed at least one year of their PhD program and are in the process of researching issues in disability through sociology, philosophy, law, education, nursing, policy, anthropology, linguistics, family studies, design studies, material culture, medicine, technology, and more. Experts from around the world lead the doctoral school through a transdisciplinary approach by questioning issues, practices, and perspectives on disability. A reading package will be made available. To apply for the Doctoral School, please send a 500-word abstract to prof. dr. Megan Strickfaden (University of Alberta, Canada) at megan.strickfaden@ualberta.ca and to prof. dr. Patrick Devlieger (University of Leuven, Belgium) at patrick.devlieger@kuleuven.be by May 15th, 2023.
The abstract must have the following: *Title *Contact information including your home university *Expression of interest *Stage of your PhD project *Summary of your project focus (research question/s, aims, objectives) *How Re-member-ing Disability fits with your research project
Participation is limited to 18 seats and delivery of the doctoral school is in English. Cost is 120 euro which includes fee, lunches, and coffee breaks. Payment is to be made after acceptance. The doctoral school will take place in person at EHESS – Centre des colloques, Campus Condorcet Aubervilliers, Paris, France.
Programme Sunday June 25th, 2023 18:00 or 21:00 Introductory Meeting & Welcome Dinner
Monday June 26th, 20239:00 Introductory inputs 9:30 - 10:30 Explorations in Re-member-ing Disability (course coordination) 10:30 - 11:00 Coffee break 11:00 - 12:30 Small group work (will rotate every half hour) on Re-member-ing Disability 12:30 - 14:00 Lunch 14:00 - 15:30 Keynote 15:30 - 16:00 Coffee Break 17:00 Discussion Evening: Dinner (on your own)
Tuesday June 27th, 2023 9:00 - 10:30 Seminar: Participants’ research on Re-membering Disability 10.30-11:00 Coffee Break 11:00 – 12:30 Seminar: Participants’ research on Re-membering Disability 12:30 - 14:00 Lunch 14:00 - 15:00 Seminar on Methodological Issues 16:00 - 18:00 Community visit of tactile installations in Quai Branly Museum Evening: Dinner (on your own)
Wednesday June 28th, 2023 9:30 - 12:30 Coming full circle: connecting doctoral student’s projects with the materials covered.
Wednesday June 28 till Friday June 30th, 2023 Alter 11th Annual Conference We warmly encourage doctoral participants to attend the Alter Annual Conference. Please note that attending the annual conference requires a separate enrolment.
Saturday July 1st, 2023 9:00 -11:00 Closing meeting disABILITY MUNDUS DOCTORAL SCHOOL 2023. |
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