Events for all > Film screening and discussion : On the way of inclusion

On the way of inclusion :

(Re)-discover and argue about the way disability and infirmity are depicted on TV



Film Screening and discussion about research project of Anne Marcellini, Alexandra Tilman and Justine Scheidegger.

Thursday 29 June at 5.30 pm

"On the way of inclusion" is a participatory and inclusive project based on a collaboration between researchers studying the television archives of Radio Télévision Suisse (RTS), disability-related associations, and the Data and Archives service of RTS. It proposes a space for debate and new shared knowledge based on meetings organized around the viewing of images of disability produced by RTS since the 1950s.

Social representations of people assigned to the category of disability or impairment are often stigmatizing. Analysis of television archives shows how media discourses combine collective representations of disability and impairment with messages that reinforce and confirm them, or that partially or sometimes completely reverse them.

In the first stage of the project, people with a disability or impairment and their families, self-representative association members, professionals, and journalists were invited to participate in filmed workshops during which they discovered selected archives and discussed them.

The second stage involves the creation of two complementary productions: a cinematic documentary and a transmedia platform. The participants contribute to the construction of these productions, which articulate audiovisual archives with workshop sequences and filmed interviews.

For the Alter conference, the researchers inaugurate the third stage of the project, which consists of presenting and discussing these productions with diverse audiences.





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