Events for all > Meeting: The plurality of languages and forms of expression: a path to emancipation?




The plurality of languages and forms of expression: a path to emancipation?


Access to these moments is free and independent of participation in the conference, but requires registration here (This meeting will only be held in French and LSF)


In connection with the Alter conference theme: "Protection, autonomy, and emancipation: an (im)possible alliance,"  the research community "Capdroits"  invites people of the territory to share their reflections and experiences on the plurality of language and expression forms related to disability situations. Through testimonials, video excerpts, and demonstrations ranging from artistic forms to technical language adaptation modalities that promote communication, we will exchange views on the impacts of these practices on emancipation, mobility, and participation possibilities for individuals with disabilities.

In partnership with the municipality of Aubervilliers and the "Maison de l'Autisme"

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